Posted on: August 25, 2022 Posted by: Ng Shi Hong Comments: 0
#jitsinenglishweek #jitsinelc #英语中心
[English Week]
📣 THREE more days left until registration closes!
We are excited to let y’all know that English Week is back! And full of exciting activities!
Title : Saudade Time
Organiser : English Language Centre
Objective : To develop students’ interest in learning English by immersing them in various activities and spreading the importance of English.
Activities :
🎪 English Language Mall
– Hall Exhibition 📣
– Food Bazaar 🥧
🎓 S3 Seminar
– UEC Seminar 🎓
– Motivational Talk 🎓
🕺 Retromania
– English Bowl 📝
– Turn Back Time(Costume Show Competition) 👗
Additional Information:
– All registrations will close on the 10th Aug
– English Language Mall: look for the respective English teachers for registration
– Retromania English Bowl: look for the respective English teachers for registration
– Turn Back Time(Costume Show Competition): self-registration via the QR code or the link
Head over to our Instagram @jitsinelc for more updates! Stay tuned!